Chris Pratt and Anna Faris, Yet another Celeb-Marriage curtain close again.

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris
The glamorous life of glitz and fame that we’ve often pictured our favorite celebrities to have, their lives and personal aspects are usually more complicated than the average regular people. It’s worth “ncawws” and “ooohs” watching celebrities and their perfect picture moments in relationships, the romantic dinners and the glamorous pictures on social media which set them planets away from the world we regular people live in. As superficial as it is the feeling of escaping our world to imagine such perfection in celebrities is somewhat soothing and entertaining it’s almost a drug everyone needs every now and again. Anna Faris and Chris Pratt may not have been Hollywood couple royalty like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt but they were certainly one of the cutest and arguably one of the most loved, their marriage in 2009 was adorable and having their little family was even more adorable. It’s sad to learn that after 8 years they decided to separate due to different opinions with regards to having a bigger family. The life of a big shot Hollywood actor gets demanding and between the travelling away from home for several months does take a toll on family time and it seemed like that became the problem with Chris Pratt who couldn’t afford to have more children in fear of not having enough time for them due to work. It's sad that with all the hope that the couple seemed to have it had to end up in separation, yet again becoming another Hollywood statistic in the failed marriage category. 

Photocredit: Perez Hilton
