BEAUTY as I understand it

Natural looking Beauty
The Merriam-Webster defines beauty as the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit, it then furthers it to be a particularly graceful, ornamental or excellent quality… Now looking at this very deep definition filled with powerful enticing imagery it’s hard to not think of one person that beautifully encompasses all that’s been described. Beauty has always been specified to be solely based on different perceptions that range from one person to the next, often clichéd, and “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”. Clichés have always been fascinating to me and I often find pleasure in the order, and it’s in that order that this post is solely based on the one person that has defined beauty both in terms of possessing the ability to exalt my senses physically and gracefully edifying my mind and soul, “the girlfriend”. Beauty seizes to be just a physical quality when the mind longs that significant other’s presence and availability particularly not in person, an intelligent mind and a pure heart in my own opinion compliments nature’s work of art and in this case completes it…
Modern cosmetics at play 
In this cosmetic driven age, it’s not enough to define beauty solely on the end result after a series toning, powdering and spraying on the face for a desired effect. I don’t particularly have a problem with make up because I believe it has its very necessary dramatic effect on people and with risk of sounding crude, some people definitely need it. Conclusively, at the end of the day when all the makeup has been washed away for the night,  be able to feel the same way about that person as defined above and have a take away to point to as your definition of beauty because that is the definition of beauty, as I understand it… 

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