The sacrificing aspect of Love.
Love and desire have to be the most confused feelings of the 21st century, the need to love and feel loved has been replaced by the need to reproduce and be taken care of, financially as well as the need to not feel alone or lonely. Lust has replaced the need to feel and connect with another person deeply and be infatuated by the actions and value that those action bring in one’s life, the understanding of feeling like a tornado just passed by you and only managed to graze your heart but completely missed the rest of your body. I am definitely not the most qualified person to dictate or describe how love feels but I have a pretty good understanding of what it is that resonates from the momentum that goes with maneuvering a seemingly beautiful ship on the outside full of a desperate crew inside fighting to make it to the next harbor…. How deep the love shown by a man who went through over 30 years knowing his only purpose on earth was to walk among men, teach , guide and die for the atonement of mankind is the ultimate example of what Love encompasses. My understanding of love is sacrifice, understanding and action be it in romance or all the other forms of love that exist in this world.   

Photocredit: Deep Love Quotes
